The holiday season means decorating! So the husband and I whipped up a wreath for our front door. Only after we hung it did we realize just how big it is. A lesson learned for next year! We enjoyed the process and like the idea of making it a family tradition.
Door wreath with origami ornaments |
We, well more like the husband as I kept track of the toddler, collected small, thin pine branches from the forest nearby. This was especially easy because a tree fell down from the latest intense wind/rain. The husband also was the one to put the wreath together. I helped a little, but was mainly minding the toddler. He used wire and a little bit of branch weaving to put it together.
I made the large origami ornaments on the wreath. They are from a square booklet of Christmas cardstock stock I got from Target a few years ago. The booklet had 17 squares (originally 18, but I used one back when I bought it). I supplemented with an 18th to make the three ornaments.
Plaid red and green with grey origami ornament |
These ornaments are the same as my
Japanese brocade earrings. After folding and fitting the pieces together, I made a loop of wire and hooked it into each ornament.
Red themed origami ornament |
I tried to preserve them by spraying them with lacquer, like I do with my earrings, but I'm less sure that the lacquer "took" because some of the cardstock is shiny or laminated glitter. But if they don't last beyond the season, I'm okay with that. It's not a big deal to buy new cardstock in the future and could just be part of the tradition. These took me less than an hour a piece.
Green and white themed origami ornament |
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